You have made the decision to prioritise writing and publishing content to your website – well done!
But how often should you blog?
What is the ideal blogging frequency?
Some bloggers focus on quantity over anything else, mistakenly thinking that more posts equals more traffic.
As a search engine optimisation (SEO) focused content strategy, that won’t work, in order to improve your search rankings, you need to post consistently valuable content – ideally weekly posts -that is relevant to your ideal demographic.
In this guide, I will share seven steps to consider when it comes to writing your content.
Boosting your blogging frequency is good for business
Increasing your blogging frequency is a great way to grow your personal or business brand and generate new leads. But with all the time it takes to set up, write, edit and publish a blog post, you’ll need some tricks for staying consistent.
Your posts don’t have to be long — you can share everything from simple tips and resources, company updates, to more detailed case studies.
Find a blogging rhythm that works for your business.
Not all brands upload blog posts every day. If you’re just getting started or if you’re a small company, you might find it easiest to stick to one blog post per week. If that feels like too fast a pace, then try two or three times per month — whatever works for your team and the needs of your target audience. Try to post at least once a month at a minimum.
By developing a quality content marketing strategy with regular posts, adding value, and promoting them across social channels, small businesses and start-ups can increase conversion rates, build leads, boost brand awareness, increase search engine optimisation, increase leads, increase leads, boost leads, and boost conversions all at the same time.
If you’re already posting regularly, make some time to review your posting and make sure your content marketing strategy includes fresh content, avoiding low quality posts and provide relevant information to your readers to prevent reader fatigue.
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, don’t feel like you have to write about everything yourself. If you don’t have the bandwidth to write several posts every week, don’t feel like you need to do it all yourself. Consider collaborating with other team members or inviting guest posting on your own site or on industry sites.
Here are seven ways that will help you stay on top of blogging without burning out.
1. Understand what you want to achieve with your blog
Take the time to learn about your audience. Understand what they want, and how best you can provide them with that information.
Once you understand your audience better than anyone else, the next step is to take everything you’ve learned and find a way to deliver it in an appealing manner. This includes finding out where your target audience hangs out online.
If you’re blogging for a small business, you may want to focus on developing your own personal brand. If you’re blogging for a bigger company, you might have the opportunity to blog about many different topics within their industry.
Once you’ve done all of this, you’ll be ready to start writing.
Remember when blogging think about what your goals are when it comes down to what your blog is going to be about.
Consider the following:
- Who’s your audience or target demographic?
- What type of content will they want and need?
- Is there a specific time that they search for this information on the internet?
- When do you think it’d be best to schedule your posts?
- How can you provide your audience with valuable content regarding what you know they need?
- Where can you find your target audience online so that you can engage them to read your high-quality blog posts and come back for more information?
2. Identify and prioritise topics for future blog posts
Prioritize creating high-quality, relevant content. The goal of blogging is not just to share news; it’s to help your audience achieve their goals. To do that, you need to share valuable tips and resources on your blog posts so your readers can take action afterwards.
If you’re not sure what topics will be most valuable for your audience, one way to start is to identify the common problems that your audience faces, then figure out how to solve those problems.
For example, do they need to improve their lead generation? If so, start brainstorming ideas on how they can solve that problem. Then write a blog post sharing your ideas and tips.
This will help your audience achieve their goals, which in turn, helps you achieve yours. Knowing your target demographic is the key factor to succeeding with blogging.
Do some keyword research. If you know what keywords are popular in your industry, consider using them in your headlines. The more specific, the better.
For example, if you are an online seller of wedding dresses, you could consider using the headline “How to choose your wedding dress” rather than “Wedding dresses” because it will attract the specific audience searching for that information. These people will be more interested in what you have to say and ultimately lead them down your sales funnel.
Find out what questions your audience asks online through tools like AnswerThePublic or Google Keyword Planner. These will help you identify what blog content to create for your readers.
3. Create a plan of action
Your plan should include scheduling dates and times to write, edit, publish, and promote your high-quality content
Use an editorial calendar or content calendar to track deadlines and progress. Use your plan to stay on top of writing assignments, create specific editing deadlines, review publishing dates, and determine promotional activities.
Setting specific dates will help you stay focused on getting the job done. If you’re struggling with balancing work responsibilities with blogging, consider hiring assistance with editing or proofreading.
To get started, organise your calendar by week or month, then plan to spend an hour a day writing and another hour editing/proofing your work.
If you aren’t able to meet deadlines, plan the activities required (such as research and interviews) and estimate how long they will take. Then schedule them on your calendar.
To stay on track, block out time for writing and editing. Spend the first hour of the day writing a blog post or researching a topic. After lunch, block off your schedule to edit and proofread your work.
This will help you meet deadlines by creating an editing schedule. If you run into a problem where you can’t write or edit at the same time, consider hiring a writer or editor to help you meet deadlines.
4. Be consistent in posting – set a schedule that works best for you based on how often you post now
Set a schedule that works best for you based on how often you post now, and how much time you have available. If you set a schedule, chances are good that you’ll stick to it. If you don’t create a schedule, your posting frequency will likely be influenced by external forces largely outside of your control.
No matter what schedule you set for yourself, make sure it is realistic – some bloggers post only once or twice per month while others might be able to blog daily sometimes, but not all the time. Do what works best for your schedule and time constraints.
Promote your blog posts on social media. Don’t just publish a blog post and forget about it — make sure you share it with your followers on social media as soon as it’s live. For each new post, come up with at least one creative way to promote your blog post.
5. Don’t forget the value of guest blogging – find blogs related to yours and pitch an article idea
Guest blogging is an opportunity for your blog to get links back to it, but it can also be an excellent way to become part of a larger blogging community.
Each blogger you connect with will expose their readership to your writing and brand, which may lead to more followers, social shares and comments on your own blog. It reduces the need for you to write and rewards posters, with a link back to their site!
It can actually help improve your search engine ranking, but also helps you get in the thick of things and generate leads. If you return the favour of guest posting, you may end up generating leads from other people’s websites.
So, don’t forget about writing for other blogs. It can increase your brand awareness, build your social network with new people and build brand loyalty.
The point isn’t to flood the internet with hundreds of useless content ideas every day, but to focus on writing useful stuff, keeping SEO in mind and creating engaging and relevant content that is relevant for search engines and helps improve your brand awareness.
If you can create something truly useful for your target audience, make it and promote it across various blogs and other channels and build up a subscriber base quickly, you’ll build brand loyalty and build brand equity.
6. Keep track of your stats so you know how well it’s working out for you
Why are stats important for blogging? Stats provide a snapshot of the success of a particular post, giving you a real-time view of engagements. Tracking these stats will give you an idea about what’s working and what isn’t – it’s a great way to see if your writing style, frequency or posting day/time is effective.
Stats also show you where most people are clicking on your blog, so you can optimize the ‘hot zones’ for maximum exposure.
Analyzing statistics every week helps discover the best day and time of posting for your audience’s consumption. For example, if you find that Monday mornings are most effective for generating traffic, then consider scheduling your blog posts on Sunday nights to boost visibility during the start of the week.
If you don’t have time to analyse your stats every week, at least track your blog’s statistics at the end of each month so you can review them later.
7. Make sure not to neglect other marketing efforts
Make sure to use social media and email marketing in conjunction with blog posting to promote your blog posts. These forms of communication are very effective for promoting your latest blog entry, and they truly work well together to spread the news about all that you have written.
Social media is great for reaching out to an extremely wide audience, while emails will provide the opportunity to communicate with the people who matter most when it comes to your blog.
Emails are especially effective if it includes a call to action. Emailing is a great way to reactivate old leads and inspire people to make a new purchase.
Always consider promoting your blog posts with both emails and social media at the same time. This will allow you to really get word out about your latest entry while gaining new subscribers to your blog site in the process.
Having a routine which includes promoting your blog posts over time is an excellent way to keep readers excited about what you have written, and it’s also a great way to keep yourself accountable and committed to writing new blog posts.
No matter what type of blog you want to create, a few basic steps will help get your high-quality content noticed and generate organic traffic.
The first step is developing an idea for the topic or angle.
Next, determine how often you can realistically post, which should take into account any other marketing efforts in addition to blogging, such as social media posts and email campaigns.
You’ll also need to decide whether you would like guest contributors who may be able to increase your blogging frequency while reducing your workload.
When it comes time to publish the blog content, make sure it has been optimised for search engines by including keywords appropriately throughout each piece of writing rather than just at the beginning and end.
Finally, don’t neglect to track your blog’s statistics and use social media and email campaigns in conjunction with your blogging efforts.
These steps will help you acquire more subscribers, generate traffic to your site, and create a successful and effective blog.
Blogging is a great long-term investment that will pay off in the long run, if done correctly.
Once you get started, you will see that it is not difficult to create high-quality content and generate organic traffic.
You can see your website’s improvement through Google Analytics by examining the new traffic compared to old traffic. This will allow you to assess your content strategy.
If you keep consistently uploading, it won’t be long until your site turns into a successful blog with twice the traffic it had before!